How to Start a Tech Company as a Non-Technical Founder: Key Strategies and Considerations.



Starting a tech company may seem daunting for non-technical individuals, but it is not an insurmountable challenge. In fact, approximately 20–25% of software as a service (SaaS) companies are founded by non-technical individuals. This article aims to provide valuable insights for non-technical founders who aspire to embark on their entrepreneurial journey in the tech industry.

Finding the Right Path

This article outlines various options for non-technical founders looking to start a tech company. Two common backgrounds among successful non-technical founders are subject matter expertise and sales and marketing experience. Co-founders with complementary skills in areas such as selling, marketing, and product development are crucial for the success of the venture.

Acquiring an existing company is a viable option, allowing non-technical founders to leverage an established product and customer base. Alternatively, hiring developers or agencies to build the software is an avenue worth exploring. Additionally, starting with a minimum viable product (MVP) using tools like Zapier and Notion can help bring ideas to life without extensive technical expertise.

Another approach is to initiate a service-based business to generate funds for software development. This allows non-technical founders to gain valuable experience, build credibility, and accumulate resources to support the creation of a full-fledged tech product.

Starting Small and Scaling Up

Non-technical founders are advised to begin their tech journey by starting small. Creating plugins or add-ons for popular platforms like WordPress, HubSpot, Salesforce, or Heroku provides an opportunity to gain experience, generate revenue, and validate product-market fit. This step allows for gradual growth and acquisition of essential skills before transitioning to building a full-fledged SaaS app.

Budgeting Considerations

The estimated budget for developing an MVP of a SaaS app typically ranges between $10,000 and $30,000. However, it is important to note that technical expertise or collaboration with a development agency is necessary to maintain and understand the product. Seeking referrals from trusted communities or utilizing referral services/aggregators can help non-technical founders find reliable development agencies that align with their requirements.

The Importance of Support and Funding

To sustain the growth and success of a tech company, non-technical founders are advised to consider pre-selling their product or securing additional funding. This ensures there are sufficient resources available to support product maintenance, further development, and expansion.


The journey of starting a tech company as a non-technical founder is achievable with the right strategies and considerations. By leveraging subject matter expertise, sales and marketing skills, and a variety of available resources, non-technical founders can successfully navigate the tech industry. Acquiring existing companies, outsourcing development, starting with MVPs, and beginning with smaller projects are all viable approaches to gain experience, generate revenue, and build towards a full-fledged SaaS app. Remember to budget appropriately, seek support from trusted communities, and secure funding to sustain growth and future development. With determination and strategic planning, non-technical founders can turn their tech startup dreams into reality.



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